Hit Ratio
  • 01 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Hit Ratio

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Article summary

The Hit Ratio graph displays the percentage of all transactions served directly from the cache and the percentage of all transactions proxied from the origin. (Note that this metric is not relevant to origins, so it is not displayed on the Origin report). For example, a 90% hit ratio means that the CDN served 90% of the transactions, while 10% of the transactions were proxied from the origin. 

Hit ratio reports are another way to see how efficiently the cache is performing. 

Hit ratio refers to main transactions. Each transaction can potentially have multiple sub-transactions. A single transaction can be:

  • Fully served from local storage on the cache (cache).
  • Served when the CDN proxies the response from the origin (proxy).
  • Partially served from the cache and partially from the origin (partially cached).

For large transactions, any sub-transaction miss will cause the entire transaction to be counted as a miss. For example, if you have a large transaction that contains 10 sub-transactions, and nine of the sub-transactions got a request hit and only one sub-transaction got a request miss, the transaction will be counted as a miss.

To best estimate your CDN performance, we recommend using cache efficiency (hit ratio by volume) instead. Cache efficiency reflects the accurate percentage served from the cache (versus proxy), because it is calculated based on each of the sub-transactions.

The following example shows a high hit ratio for the 24-hour period displayed in the report.

The Hit Ratio graph.

Peak hit ratio for the origin and for the cache are highlighted.

Peak ratio is highlighted in the Hit Ratio graph, for Origin and Cache.

Hover over any part of the graph to see the percentage of transactions served directly from the cache, and the percentage of transactions proxied from the origin during a particular time increment. The graph increments are determined by the time period selected for the report.

The hover over box is displaying the percentage of requests processed by the cache (98.2%) and the percentage of requests processed by the origin (1.79%) on February 16th from 5:55 - 6:00.

The above example shows the percentage of hits (Qwilt) and misses (Origin) from 5:55 - 6:00 on February 16th.

In the Current menu, click Origin or Qwilt to hide/display the metric.

Learn how to configure an Origin, ASN, or Delegation Target report.

Exporting Report Data.

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