HTTP Response Breakdown (TPS)
  • 26 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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HTTP Response Breakdown (TPS)

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Article summary

The HTTP Breakdown graph shows the number of transactions per second (TPS) that generated particular response codes.

You can break down the metric by status code or by source. (Note that the source breakdown is not relevant to the Origin report, so in the Origin report, the status breakdown is displayed by default, and the selection buttons are not available.)


To focus on a particular code (status), select a status code series from above the graph, and then select the code. For example, select HTTP 2XX and then select response code 200. 

The graph shows the number of transactions per second that generated the 200 response code in the last 7 days. Two lines appear on the graph: one representing TPS returning response code 200 from the cache, and one representing TPS returning response code 200 from the origin. 

The HTTP Response Breakdown (TPS) graph.

Peak TPS is highlighted.Graph showing the breakdown for 200 response codes for the cache and the origin.

Hover over any point in the TPS breakdown per source for that time increment.The total TPS for each source on Feb 23 from 00:00 - 00:15.

Hover over a response code to see the total TPS for each source over the time period.HTTPResponseHoverOverCode

To show/hide a line that represents a particular source, click its circle in the Current chart.

Selecting or unselecting a source from the Current chart.


You can focus on a particular source (CDN or Origin), to see how many of each response code was returned by the source over the time period.

To focus on a selected source:

  1. Select Source. (The Source and Status buttons are not available in the Origin report, because only the status breakdown is relevant to the Origin report.) 
  2. Select the status code series you want to break down from above the graph. For example, HTTP 2XX.
  3. Select the source.

In the following example, the graph shows the number of transactions per second that returned 2XX responses from the CDN in the last 24 hours.

Two lines appear in the graph: one representing the TPS returning 200 response code from the CDN, and one representing the TPS returning 206 response code from the CDN.

The HTTP Response Breakdown (TPS) graph.

Alternatively, select Origin to view the breakdown for the origin. 

Peak TPS is highlighted.Peak TPS highglighted in the HTTP Response Breakdown graph.

Hover over any point in the graph to view the TPS breakdown per code for that time increment.

The TPS breakdown per code for Feb 26 from 20:40 - 20:45.

Hover over a source to see the percentage of TPS returning each response code in the series over the time period.

TPS per response code for the entire time period.

To show/hide a line that represents a particular code, click its circle in the Current chart.

Select/unselect HTTP 200 code in the Current menu.

Learn how to configure an Origin, ASN, or Delegation Target report.

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