Edit a Site Configuration
  • 10 Dec 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Edit a Site Configuration

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Article summary

You can update the Media Delivery site configuration at any time. However, every time you save the site configuration, a distinct version is created that cannot be changed. So once a site configuration has been saved, to update it, you open a saved version, make changes to it, and save it as a new version.

To update a site configuration:

  1. Navigate to the My Media Sites page and select the site.

  2. In the Media Site Configuration tab, make sure that the saved version to which you want to make changes is selected. If it isn't, go to Versions & History, and select the version from the Versions List.

  3. Update any of the following configuration building blocks.

  4. Save the Site Configuration.

  5. To push the new configuration version to production, publish it.

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