Content Publisher Dashboard
  • 24 Jul 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Content Publisher Dashboard

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Article summary

The Content Publisher Dashboard provides an aggregated view of traffic and performance data across all selected delivery services and service providers.

The displayed metrics are aggregated values representing all selected service providers and delivery services. To view distribution or compare the performance of specific service providers or delivery services, use the Delivery Service Dashboard.

Display the Dashboard

To display the dashboard, select Content Publisher Dashboard from the navigation panel.


Configure the Dashboard

You can configure the dashboard for your use case, using the Filter Management area at the top of the screen:

  • Set the date range. The date range determines the granularity of the data displayed in the dashboard. For example, when the date range is 24 hours, the metrics are calculated and displayed in the graphs, based on 5-minute increments. When the data range is 7 days, the metrics are calculated and displayed in the graphs, based on 30-minute increments.
  • Select one or more content publishers (this menu is only active if your use case includes multiple content publishers).
  • Select one or more service providers.
  • Select one or more delivery services.

Filter Management.png

In this example, the dashboard is configured to focus on the volume and performance metrics for all traffic delegated to the selected service provider's network in the past 24 hours.

CP Dashboard.png

Use the Filter Management area to change the filter settings to shift focus. For example:

  • To further narrow the focus to a specific traffic type, select the relevant delivery services.
  • To view data related to that traffic type across all service providers, choose All Items from the Service Provider menu.

Executive Summary

The Executive Summary at the top of the dashboard displays the key performance metrics.

Executive Summary.png

  • Bandwidth Total Peak - The highest amount of data transferred in a single time increment during the time period, measured in bits per second of consumed bandwidth.
  • BW 95th Percentile - The average amount of data transferred per time increment, calculated after removing the top 5% of the data set (measured in bits per second of consumed bandwidth).
  • Volume - The total amount of data served from the cache over the time period.
  • Average Bitrate - The average bitrate of individual HTTP transactions (not entire download sessions) over the time period.
  • Average Requests Hit Ratio - The average percent of all requests that were served directly from the cache per time increment. Note that large transactions could affect the hit ratio percentage. See Hit Ratio Graph for additional information.
  • 2xx Transactions - The total number of transactions that returned success response codes.


The graphs provide a visual representation of the metrics.

The Volume Distribution graph displays the volume of data transferred directly from cache, the volume of data proxied from the origin, and the volume of data partially served from the cache and partially from the origin (partial cache).

The graph shows only the delivery services that received traffic in the specified time period.

Volume Distribution.png

Note: Each percentage is relative to a total of 100% across all delivery services.

Other graphs include:
Bandwidth Graph
Average Streamed Bitrate Graph
Cache Efficiency Graph
Hit Ratio Graph
HTTP Response Code Graph

Export Data

You can export all or selected portions of the data displayed in the report.

To export selected report data:

  1. Configure the dashboard, so that the data of interest is displayed.

  2. Select the Export icon.
    Export Button.png

  3. In the Export dialog, select the metrics of interest.


Note: A summary of the report scope is displayed at the top of the dialog.

  1. Select Export XLS File. An Excel file is created, with one sheet per selected metric.

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