Quick Start
  • 10 Dec 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Quick Start

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Article summary

The Basic Site Configuration Workflow

While site configuration can be as simple as defining a single host and a single origin (a single delivery service for a specified traffic type), a typical use case may require configuring multiple hosts and origins, rules, and paths.
A site can be fully functional with a single host and a single origin. We'll use this scenario to illustrate the configuration workflow.

A site is configured for a particular traffic type, to allow for optimization based on the unique characteristics of the traffic type. Currently, these optimizations are implemented by Qwilt. For best results, please contact your account manager or support@qwilt.com to optimize your site for the relevant traffic type.

For access to Delivery Service Management, please contact your account manager or email support@qwilt.com.

To configure a site:

  1. Open this URL: https://qc-services.cqloud.com/md/media-delivery-management.

  2. If you are prompted to login, enter your Qwilt Cloud (QC) Services user name and password.
    If you require Qwilt Cloud credentials, please send an email to support@qwilt.com.

  3. In the My Media Sites page, select Add Media Site.

  4. In the Add New Media Site dialog, enter a Media Site Name and click Add Media Site.

    Note the CNAME that appears on the Media Site Configuration page, under Media Site Info. Later, you'll use the CNAME to route your website to the CDN site. (Alternatively, use HTTP routing.)


  1. In the Media Site Configuration page, select Add Host.
  2. In the Add Host dialog:
    • Enter the Host Domain.
    • Select the Traffic Type.
    • Optionally, update the default Protocol settings.
    • Optionally, enable Wildcard Subdomain.
  3. Click Add Host.
  4. Configure the host origin.
  5. Save the site configuration.
  6. Publish the site.
  7. To direct traffic from your website to the CDN site, update your domain's DNS settings with the CNAME of the Media Delivery site configuration. (Alternatively, use HTTP routing.)

Before your site goes live, if you haven't already done so, please contact your account manager or support@qwilt.com to optimize your site for the relevant traffic type. Optimizations can be applied at any time, even after a site is published.

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