Publish History
  • 10 Dec 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Publish History

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Article summary

Publish History shows the history of all the publishing operations for the site. This Publish History data can be especially useful for investigating changes in the CDN behavior (for example if changes are detected via reporting metrics). You can then use the Publish History to determine if a publishing operation occurred around the time of the observed change and identify the user who published the version.

View the Publish History

To view the publish history:

  1. Navigate to the My Media Sites page and select the site.

  2. In the Media Site Configuration page, select Versions & History.


  3. Select the Publish History tab.

    • A list of the publishing operations initiated for this site is displayed. A green background indicates the version that is currently published.

    • The version number is indicated for each publishing operation.

    • Each publishing operation indicates when the version was saved, and the user who published the version.

    • Each publishing operation displays one of the following status values:

      • Success: The publishing operation succeeded.
      • Failed: The publishing operation failed.
      • Aborted: The operation was canceled.
      • In Progress: The operation is in progress.

View the Site Configuration JSON

To view the site configuration JSON and the embedded SVTA objects that define the site configuration parameters, hover over the publish operation to display the 3 dots menu, then open it and select JSON.


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