- 26 Dec 2023
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Average Streamed Bitrate Graph
- Updated on 26 Dec 2023
- 1 Minute to read
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The Average Streamed Bitrate graph in the Content Publisher Dashboard measures the average streamed bitrate for individual HTTP transactions, rather than entire download sessions, per time increment, over the selected time period. The measurement is expressed in bits per second (bps) and pertains to data transferred from the cache.
Unlike the typical definition of average streamed bitrate, which focuses on the average session download rate from the player's perspective, this report measures the streamed bitrate specifically from the Content Delivery Network (CDN)'s viewpoint. It averages the streamed bitrate for each individual HTTP transaction rather than considering the entire session.
The following example shows the average streamed bitrate metric over the time period:
The peak average bitrate is highlighted.
Hover over any part of the graph to see the average streamed bitrate metric for a particular time increment. The graph increments are determined by the time period selected for the report.
The above example shows the average streamed bitrate from 5:50 - 5:55 on February 26th.
Learn how to configure an Origin, ASN, or Delegation Target report