Supported Rules
  • 18 Feb 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Supported Rules

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Article summary

Media Configuration currently supports the following rules. Details about how to implement the rules are available in the inline help of the user interface.


Cache Control:
Origin Error CachingError caching allows for configurable behavior of the CDN and requesting client when an error code is returned from Origin. It allows you to determine the CDN or client caching behavior when error codes are returned from Origin.
Bypass CacheEnables a client request to be set as non-cacheable. This only applies to the current request. Any content previously cached is not evicted.
Serve StaleContent is considered stale when the ttl in cache has expired. This feature allows the CDN to continue serving stale objects from cache if there are origin errors or while revalidating with the origin.
Cache Key ManagementEach object in cache receives a unique identifier. Cache keys are generated from the URI of the content request. This rule lets you define the cache key parameters.
Cache Time to Live (TTL)Specifies the caching policies for the CDN and Client.

Content Control:
CORS HeadersEnables the ability to dynamically generate CORS headers. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is an HTTP-header-based mechanism that allows a server to indicate any origins (domain, scheme, or port) other than its own from which a browser should permit loading resources.
CompressionEnables Brotli/GZIP compression at the edge. The compression selection method is chosen by the client’s Accept-Encoding header.
Modify Origin RequestEnables modifying components within a request before sending it to the origin.
Modify Client ResponseEnables modifying components within a response before sending it to the client.
Debug InfoEnables including transaction debug information in the client responses. Debug information encompasses things like the internal content ID, the transaction ID, and other metrics to support troubleshooting.
Origin SelectionEnables directing origin requests based on a Message Expression Language (MEL) match condition.

HTTP MethodsAllow the CDN to set HTTP Methods available to the client. GET, HEAD, and OPTIONS are available by default. Requests using an unallowed method will be rejected with a 405 response code. Requests that include a payload when not allowed or exceeding the max payload size will be rejected with a 413 response code.
HTTP to HTTPS RedirectForces the CDN to redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS, effectively blocking the site from being accessed over HTTP.
HTTP ProtocolsThis rule is supported for the host configuration, but not for the path configuration.
Determines the HTTP protocols available to clients.
URL SigningEnables the Qwilt URI signature mechanism.

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